Make a Donation

Printable Donation Agreement Form


Donation Agreement Form

As the legal owner of the article(s) described below, I hereby donate to the Bartlesville Area History Museum the article(s). I agree that the article(s) may be made available for research, reproduction and exhibition subject to the requirements of the Museum’s Collections Policy



Purpose: The Bartlesville Area History Museum is dedicated to the acquisition, preservation, interpretation and exhibition of information and materials primarily deriving from or relevant to the social and natural history of Washington County and the surrounding areas. Museum collections are used for exhibition, research, and other educational purposes.

Gifts to the History Museum are considered outright and unrestricted donations to be used in the best interests of the Museum. Donors must declare in writing that they have full ownership of the item(s) donated and have complete authority to make said donation. Collections shall be available to the public in such a manner that their integrity and well-being will be best preserved. Donations to the Museum are tax deductible, but the History Museum shall not appraise donations for tax purposes. Nor shall museum staff appraise items as a service for donors. For the protection of the donor, it is recommended that appraisals be accomplished by a disinterested third party before the item is conveyed to the Museum.

Accessions: The Museum will only collect those objects of the above nature that it is able to care for and use in a manner acceptable to the museum profession at large. The Museum cannot engage in indiscriminate acquisition. Accessions must be the best available at the time, fill a recognized deficiency or upgrade existing collections, and be adequately documented as determined by the Collections Manager and/or Director/Curator. In addition, BAHM has a small operating budget and cannot purchase acquisitions.

Deaccessions: While deaccession is rare, objects which do not contribute to the purpose and goals of the Museum are liabilities and subject to removal from the collections. A possible example is a badly deteriorated item.

If the item(s) is not accepted by Museum the depositor agrees to:(Required)